Everything You Need To Know About Infinix XClub App & How To Generate XGold For Free


• XClub, or Infinix XClub rather, is one among the many apps of Infinix XOS, it is an online mobile internet forum that was created and provided by Infinix Mobility. It serves as a community where all Infinix smart phone users can meet up to share and discuss various issues and ideas concerning their various devices.


Now Infinix is one of those many smart phone companies that tries to use every opportunity they get to incorporate their own apps into every smart phone they release either every year or every month.

And in the case of Infinix Mobility, these apps are grouped and labeled under a single category, popularly known as the XOS apps. And within the course of writing on this blog from day one, we’ve already covered topics on some of the most popular XOS apps including Infinix Xhide, Infinix App Freezer and XManager.

So today, let us take some time off to fully discuss everything we think you need to know about Infinix own most popular internet tech forum, the Infinix Xclub. So without further ado, let’s get right into it. #enjoy

What Is Xclub or Infinix Xclub Rather

Okay, so for those who don’t know, Xclub or Infinix Xclub as many would love to call it, is a very fast growing internet forum app, which is created and provided by Infinix Mobility.


It basically serves as a place or platform where its smart phones users can meet up to share ideas, and discuss issues concerning their various brand of Infinix smart phones.

Infinix XOS

What Does The XClub App Do?

Now over the years, the Xclub itself has grown from just being a bloatware app, into a pretty large community of users that covers a very wide variety of topics ranging from Tips and Tricks on how to use your Infinix smart phone better, to photography tips, music, movies and video, questions and answers sections, games, news, and whatever topics you can think of that relates to an Infinix smart phone..

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It even went as far as having different sections for some of their latest devices like the Infinix Note 5 and Note 5 Stylus, the Hot 6 and Hot 6 Pro, Hot S3X and so on..

So if you’re looking for a solution to a problem on a particular smart phone, or you feel like sparking up a discussion or debate concerning a particular smart phone, then you should probably know the best place to do that.

XClub forum sections

Alright, so having known what the Xclub app is all about and it’s basic function and use to the large and still growing community of Infinix smart phone users, don’t you think the next question right now should be..

How Do I Make Use Of It?

Good question right..? Alright let’s try to answer it in the best simple way possible..


Now one thing you have to know is that, the Xclub app is like every other android application that is being installed in your android smart phone..

And like every other android app out there, it doesn’t require any special method of making use of it, neither does it require any special training session before you can learn to use it.. No.

The app itself is provided by Infinix Mobility as one of their many bloatware apps, but in this case, it is rather useful than useless.. So this means it is already installed by default on your smart phone, and all you just have to do to get it to start working is by..

  1. For those using the default Infinix XOS launcher that came preinstalled with your Infinix phones, just swipe through the default created folders on your device’s home screen, until you see the one labeled as “XOS Apps“. Tap on it to open and see all the apps it contains. From there, just locate and tap on “XClub” to open it.

    How to open and access Xclub from Infinix XOS apps folder

  2. But if you choose to do it in a more convenient way and for those who are not rocking the default Infinix XOS Launcher, all you have to do is open your app drawer, and keep swiping through the list or grid of apps until you see the Xclub app. Same thing, tap to open.
  3. If you’re just opening or using it for the first time, and like every other android app out there, you’ll be asked to create an account.. This is known as the “XAccount“.
  4. With this account, Infinix is able to collect and save your activities from the Xclub app, such as your post, views and comments, your Xclub user level or rank, and the amount of “XGold” you have accumulated so far.

And for those who might be wondering, what is XGold?



All You Need To Know About Infinix XGold

XGold are simply coins, but not physical coins this time.. Instead, these are gold coins that are generated within and while using the Xclub app.


It is more of a reward for using the app. Now you might still be wondering, since i have known that XGold means coins, so what do i use them for and how do i generate these coins..?

What Do I Use XGold For?

The XGold has two basic uses within the Xclub app. First is that, the more gold or coins you gather, the higher your overall user level or rank rises in the Xclub leader board.

And second is that, once in every month, Infinix gives its users a chance to exchange their accumulated XGold for some certain Infinix devices or gadgets.. This process is called “XGold Redeeming“.

Infinix XGold Redeeming

And as for the last question which is “How do i generate enough XGold“..

How Do I Generate Enough XGold

Now there a lot of ways in which one can generate and accumulate a lot of XGold for free. One of the many ways is by opening and logging in to to the Xclub app once every day..


Another way is by signing up or registering as a user if you’ve not already done that.. Completing your profile too rewards you some certain amount of free XGold.

Some other ways is by posting useful contents on any of the forum various sections, getting up votes and likes on your contents, commenting on people’s posts, replying to comments too, inviting people to join Xclub, and so many other things.

Now having seen and known what Infinix Xclub is all about, including its benefits with its XGold and all, some people might be wondering, what of those who are non-Infinix smart phone users, but still want to a part of the good things that Xclub brings with it, or maybe for one reason or the other, your Infinix device doesn’t come with the app pre-installed, or you might have even flashed a custom ROM on your phone, thereby losing all of Infinix XOS apps, including the Xclub in question.. How do you get it back on your phone..

How To Download XClub, For Both Infinix & Non-Infinix Smartphone Users

Well for one thing, Infinix has made it pretty easy for everyone to get the Xclub app on their various android devices. They made it available and for free on Google Play Store. Or you can as well download it from here by clicking on the image below real quick.

Download Infinix XClub app

Alright guys, so at this juncture, i think that is all we have for you guys today concerning the iconic Infinix Xclub app, the No.1 forum app for all Infinix smart phones users..


So if you have any problems or you’re experiencing any issues concerning the app itself on your mobile device, you can relate it to us from the comments section below, and we’ll try to reply every complaints as fast as we could… But as always, I’ll see you all tomorrow.. #Peace_Out


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