Category Android Tips

Escape Rafel RAT Phishing Campaign!

Most Android users are in danger of an ongoing phishing campaign that is affecting the USA, Indonesia, China, Russia, etc. A dangerous tool that works exceptionally well on Android products is being exploited extensively by malicious actors that seem to…

Make Your Phone Battery Last

Phones are becoming ‘One Device To Do Them All’. They can now be used for making calls, reading the news, checking weather forecasts, finding our locations, playing high-end games, guiding a surgery process remotely, etc. But we are faced with…

The Best Ways To Keep Your Passwords Safe

Passwords are like keys to your digital spaces and also help you to keep unwanted visitors out. In this blog, we shall discuss how to make strong passwords and the most effective methods to keep them safe. Why Your Choice…

Why Dumbphones Are Still Selling In 2024

Why are dumbphones still selling in 2024 amid the arrivals of powerful smartphones from Apple Inc., Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, and so forth? With each passing year, companies have courageously increased their manufacturing of dumbphones because of reasons we are…