How to pause and resume video recording on the iPhones, using third-party apps


The Apple iOS is a very robust mobile operating system, but we can’t deny the fact that it is still many years behind its Android counterparts in terms of the basic features it lacks, like not giving its users the ability to pause and resume video recordings as they like when shooting or recording videos on the iPhone.

How to pause video on iPhone

And that means the only way you can pause while recording a video on the iPhone and resume it later is by actually stopping the entire recording itself, and when next you want to resume, you have to start recording a fresh video, this is not only stressful, but it also results to you having multiple video files of the same event, scattered all over your phone storage space.

It’s a sad thing to be honest, because considering the fact the iOS operating system has come a long way, and seeing how expensive Apple products are, these are some of the basic features or functionalities that no one should be asking for in 2021, I mean, they’re supposed to be there naturally, and what makes it even more painful is the fact that you can find features like this in sub-$200 Android smartphones.

So, is Apple intentionally refusing to add this feature to iOS, or its engineers haven’t just taken their time to realize it wasn’t there all this while?


Well, that’s their problem to think about and solve.

So, today, I’ll be showing you how you can pause and resume video recording on the iPhone, using third-party apps such as PauseCam, and VideoCam+, all of which can be downloaded from the App Store.


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Do take note that while using these apps, the actual video quality might be reduced and lesser than what you’d get if you were to record the same video using the iPhone’s main camera app, and most times, the apps are usually being crammed with ads in them, and force you to purchase their various paid or pro versions to get rid of those ads, but at least, they help to solve a particular problem at least for the moment, until Apple finally decides to add the pause video recording feature to its operating system.

So, having said that, here’s the moment you all have been waiting for;

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How to pause and resume video recording on the iPhone using third-party apps

1. PauseCam Video Recorder

How to pause video on iPhone

Download Now: PauseCam Video Recorder Camera app.

Outside the traditional and professional video recording apps available for iPhones, PauseCam is actually the most popular video recorder app amongst people who are looking for ways to pause and resume video recording on their phones.

Like I said, the actual video quality coming out from this app will definitely be lesser than what you’d get with the iPhone’s proprietary camera app, but that’s just the small sacrifice you have to make in order to get a feature that should have naturally come with the iOS operating system, so, you can put the blame on Apple this time.

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And here’s how to pause and resume video recording using the PauseCam video recorder app on the iPhone.

  • Simply download the PauseCam app by using the link above.
  • When downloaded and installed, open it, and grant it the neccessary permissions it will request for.
  • On the app’s camera interface, you will see a large red record button that you can tap to start recording.
  • Tap on this button to start recording a video.
  • And to pause the video, there’s a pause button at the bottom of your phone screen you can tap to do so.
  • And to resume recording, you can tap on this button one more time to resume.
  • After you’re done recording your video, there is a check mark “” icon at the top right corner of your phone screen that you can tap to stop recording.

And that’s how you get to pause and resume video recording on the iPhone using the PauseCam video recorder app.

Now, let’s talk about the second app on our list.

2. VideoCam+ Pause & Edit

Download Now: VideoCam+ Pause & Edit iPhone app.

The VideoCam+ might not be as popular as the PauseCam, but it still gets the job done in terms of helping you to pause and resume video recording on your iPhone.

And just as with the PauseCam, you might experience a degradation in overall video quality, and the app includes a watermark on every video that is recorded with it, and the only way to get rid of these watermarks is by purchasing the Pro version of it.

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So, the steps to using the VideoCam+ app are pretty much the same as those of PauseCam;

  • Download the app by using the link above.
  • Open it, grant it any requested permissions.
  • There should be a large red record button on your screen.
  • Tap it to start recording.
  • Tap it again to pause.
  • Tap again to resume recording, and the sequence continues that way.
  • To save your video recording, you will see a right pointing arrow “➞” next to the record/pause button on your screen.
  • Tap it, and you’ll be taken to the page where you can save your video recording.

And that wraps it up for today on the ways you can pause while recording a video on the iPhone. Kindly tell us what you think about these apps by leaving a comment down in the comments section below, and if you find this post helpful, kindly give it a thumbs up by sharing it, and as always, I’ll see y’all tomorrow, #peace out.

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