How To Hide/Recover Files On Your Android Phones Using A nomedia File In 2mins


First of all, before i lay down my fingers on the keyboard to begin writing this article, i was confused on what title i should best use to describe it. I was thinking if “How To Hide Your Files On Your Android Phones Without Using A Pc or a Third Party App” will make more sense, or the one above. Because today’s tutorial is more like a two in one something something. In today’s tutorial, i’m not just gonna tell you to go to Google Playstore, and download an app/files locker, where you can dump all your files into, and anyone who has access to your password can easily snoop on them. No, today we are doing something entirely different, today’s method of hiding files, requires only your android phone, and its keyboard, and your files will be completely hidden, like magic…cool right, so make sure you read to the end, to get all the juice… 🤣🤣

How To Completely Hide Files In Your Android Phone In 2mins Using A .nomedia File

Okay, done with the introduction and lets get down to business, today i’ll be showing us how to completely hide our files on our android smartphones, using a method that has been around for a very long time, probably since the time of android, but not too popular among android device users. It is a special kind of file, known as the .nomedia file, and as for those who don’t know, the .nomedia file when created in a folder in your device file manager, it automatically identifies all media files in that folder, and makes them vanish… Just like that.. no plus, no minus, and doesn’t require any sort of technical skills. The same way you create files on a normal day using your device, is the same way you do also for a .nomedia file. But if you’re still confused, don’t worry, we’ve got your back, and we’ve added a lot of step by step images to help you with… So don’t stop reading.. 😁

Note: The .nomedia file onlys works for media files such as pictures, audios and music, because it can only identify media files just as its name suggests. This simply means that it can’t be used to hide apk files or some other kind of files.. sorry about that.

Since we now know what a .nomedia file is, and what it does in a smartphone, lets go ahead and see how we can create and make use of it in our devces.


Tip: In this tutorial, i’ll also show us how we can recover our hidden files whenever we get tired of hiding it. Because many people complain of this unsolved problem of not being able to recover or restore back their files even after deleting the .nomedia file. So don’t stop, keep reading, because you will be amazed on one of the many things you can do with your android phone today. 😂

Step 1: Creating The .nomedia File

okay, creating the .nomedia file is pretty simple, but first of all, you’ll make sure your device file manager allows you to create new files, most native android device file managers doesn’t give that feature, so which is why, today i will ask you to go to Google Play store and download ES File Explorer, it is the best android device file manager i have seen and used so far, apart from being able to create new files, it comes with a ton of many features, such as a pre-installed and hidden recycle bin, where no one can see both your files and your apps. You can read more about it Below..

Read Also – A New Way To Hide Stuffs (Files and Apps) On Your Android Smart Phone While Making Use Of The ES File Explorer Recycle Bin

Haven downloaded the ES File Explorer app, it is time to create our .nomedia file. All you have to do is; open the app, locate the folder where the files to be hidden is, create a .nomedia file in that folder, and that is all.. see the screenshots below.

A Step by Step Approach Of How To Use A .nomedia File To Completely Hide Files In Your Device In 2mins - Step 01
First of all, these are the images i wish to hide, located in a folder called “WhatsApp Images” in my gallery.

How To Hide Files Using A .nomedia File Step 02
All i had to do was locate the folder in ES File Explorer 

Creating a .nomedia file

Created a New File

Still On Creating Our .nomedia File
The file’s name is just .nomedia, no plus, no minus 

And that is our new .nomedia file sitting comfortably at the top

Now that we have successfully created our .nomedia file, lets go back to our gallery app to see if we can still find the folder named “WhatsApp Images

Now going back to my gallery app, you can all see that “WhatsApp Images” is no where to be found. It had disappeared completely.

Okay ladies and gentlemen so we’ve created our first .nomedia file, and have successfully hidden our files from preying eyes. Now what if we decide to restore back those hidden files once again? Now trust me, this is the place where things really gets shitty, but don’t worry, i will show you how to do that. So lets see how we can restore back our hidden files..

Step 2: How To Restore Your Hidden Files

The first thing you will want to do is delete the .nomedia file which you created earlier, and that is the point where the ES File Explorer is very much needed. Because, the .nomedia file when created, will be hidden by default in your device file manager. So first thing first, go to ES File Explorer and toggle “How Hidden Files” on, just as shown in the image below.

How To Restore Files That Were Hidden Using The .nomedia File

Then the next thing is to delete the .nomedia file, but that is not where the whole show ends.

How To Restore Files Hidden Using The .nomedia File.

After doing that, the next thing you will want to do is copy the files in that folder, and paste it somewhere else of your choice.

How To Restore Files That Were Hidden Using The .nomedia File.

PLEASE NOTE – Do not cut, just copy. And do not delete the files after copying.


The last thing to do is, copy back the files back to its original folder, without deleting the original files.. it will ask you to overwrite duplicate files, just select “Overwrite“, then go back to your gallery, to confirm if the files have returned… Cheers…

How To Restore Files That Were Hidden Using A .nomedia File.
Just Select “Overwrite

How To Restore Back Files That Were Hidden Using The .nomedia File.
And Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys And Girls As You All Can See, The Folder “WhatsApp Images” Has been Successfully Restored Back To Our Image Gallery.. Hurray.. And that brings us to the end of this tutorial.

Please make sure to share this great article with your friends, by using the share buttons below, to save someone from thinking they’ve entirely lost all their files while protecting them.. Also make sure to subscribe to this blog to receive notifications of our latest articles by email.. Like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter too.. bye and have a very nice sunday..


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