How To Quit Porn Addiction Using The Reboot Android App


Porn addiction has come to stay, and there is very little that we can do to manage the situation, but today, this app that i happen to stumble on in Google Play Store, is promising to help you quit your pornography addiction.

So today, we’ll be showing you how to quit porn, using the reboot app from Google Play Store.. #Enjoy.

Many religion considers watching porn and masturbation a sin, especially the Christian religion, but to me, i don’t literally consider it a sinful act, i only see it as something which is not right, dirty and extremely unhealthy.

Well i’m not gonna be saying much concerning porn and masturbation, cause you already know, this is not a religion and lifestyle blog., so we’re just gonna straight to how we can quit porn, by making use of the said app.


So like i said before, the app’s name is called Reboot, and it is currently available and free to download from Google Play store, Click Right Here To Download.

How to quit porn - step 01

Now the app doesn’t come preaching the gospel to you, and telling you, you wouldn’t make heaven if you continue watching porn, no, what this app does is pretty simple and straightforward, and will only help you, if you’re also ready to help yourself.

Opening the app for the first time, it takes you through a quick walk-through of how things are being done inside of it and a lil bit of quiz.

How to quit porn - step 02
How To Quit Porn - Step 03
How To Quit Porn - Step 04
How To Quit Porn - Step 05
How To Quit Porn - Step 06

After walking you through, it lands you on the homepage, where you have various options for many activities that you engage yourself with, once per day.

How To Quit Porn - Step 07

A truth about porn

This button tells you what porn is and how it captures, destroys and affect you as a human.

A Truth About Porn Button - Step 08


The “Quotes”  button, gives you daily motivational quotes, and as i said, one for each day.

Quotes Button - Step 09


The “Challenge”  button lets you set challenges for yourself, not to watch porn for a specified period of time, you’re also being presented with a countdown timer for this.

Challenge Button - Step 10

Fly away

And then lastly, we also have a “Fly Away”  button, that gives you alternatives to what you can watch and listen to, whenever the urge to watch porn comes knocking at the door.

The Fly Away Button - Step 11

Going to the settings page, you can set a login password to the app, and also a reminder to check in every evening..

How To Quit Porn - Step 12 - The Reboot Android App Settings Page

The app is simple and easy to navigate through. but you must be sure you’ve made up your mind to quit porn before using this app, if not, you’ll only find yourself going back to, you know, what you wished you left behind.

BONUS APP: Sorry i didn’t mention this earlier, but here’s also another great app, still available and for free on Google Play Store, and guess what it does?


It promises to help you put a stop to masturbation. You can download and check it out yourself.

Another App To Help You Masturbation (Stop M)

Alright guys, that’s it for how to quit porn addiction, by making use of the reboot app. Do let us know if you liked this article by helping us share it if you enjoyed reading it, and as always, I’ll see you all tomorrow, #Peace Out.

Cheers… emmanuelGodwin

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