Now you’ll agree with me that we’re already living in that future that everyone once envisioned and saw as a dream. Like literally everything you can lay your hands on in the past that requires manual hand work, all has been automated and that just makes the process a whole lot more faster and less prone to error. But that’s not really what we’re here to talk about today. Now when i say we’re already living in the future, can we just drift that concept or statement rather, to the aspect of smart phones fast battery charging technology?. sure we can right? So why then we not just do it?

So first of all, you’ll all agree with me that charging on smart phones has become a whole lot faster. Like can you recall those days when you’d have to wait for about four to six hours just for a 2700mAh battery to get fully charged? What of those periods when you have to charge a new cell phone for about eight hours or more before you can start making use of it? Good old memories right?

But take a quick look around you today and what have we? Smartphone batteries that can literally go from 0 to 100% in about just an hour or more, or even less. Take for example the Huawei’s Mate 20 Pro 40W charger that can literally take the phone from zero flat to a whooping 70% in just a 30mins of charge. All these changes are taking place because of what? Well thanks to fast battery charging technology.

Now looking at all these changes and how far we’ve come, anyone will readily agree with me that we have come to the peak of fast battery charging in our smart phones. Like pushing that a little bit more further might pose a risk of explosion or some other deadly electrical hazards, to both the humans making use of these phones, and the smart phones themselves. Well if you’re thinking in that direction, i will say that you’re thinking right, but.. there’s always a but.
So the but here is this. First of all, yes, not only can fast battery charging be pushed a whole lot more further than what we have today, second is that it wouldn’t expose us to any risk of battery or charger explosions, or to any other life threatening situations. You want to know why and how? well, I’ll show you how.

Now take a look at that photo up there, that is the “Anker PowerPort Atom PD1“. Now one thing you have to know about this charger is that, this is not your regular smart phone fast charger. Reason is because, it is not just your regular smart phone charger. Now I’ll tell you why.
First of all, till today, smart phones charger, in fact not only chargers but almost every electronic gadgets out there that requires electric current to pass through them before they could function, all made use of a very popular material called silicon. You can find them in smart phones and their chargers, in fact they are the back bone of modern microprocessors. So you can find them in literally everywhere that it needs to be. Because why not, they’re very good and really fast conductors of electricity.
But what if i tell you there’s something else or another material rather, that seems to be a whole lot better, let’s say a thousand times better than the traditional silicon we’ve been used to. Well i’m talking of this new material called the “Gallium Nitride (GaN)” , and that is what is running in the Anker PowerPort Atom PD1.

Though it isn’t all that new, because it has for long already been in used in some of our electronic gadgets like CD and DVD players, but i guess it was just discovered recently that it could be used to hasten a lot of other activities in our daily lives, like charging our smart phones, and not even only smart phones, but every other electronic gadgets out there that requires charging.
GaN is the optical layer on the LED that reads CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs so you’re already using it.
– Android Central
So in what ways is Gallium Nitride far more better than Silicon? Well, in so many ways.
First is that it is a better conductor than Silicon, and more resistant to heat even at very high voltages. Which simply means a charger that makes use of this material will get less hotter in comparison to a one that makes use of Silicon.
Second is that, it is highly compressible, which simply means that more of this Gallium Nitride can be squeezed into a much more lesser space, than you would do with Silicon, which simply results at very fast chargers, that come in very small and sexy sizes and forms. Here is a picture of the Anker PowerPort Atom PD1 and one of Apple’s MacBook fast charger, but that little thing you’re seeing sitting innocently right there, delivers a much greater punch that the bigger buddy beside it.

Another thing is that, Gallium Nitride requires less power or electricity to work, which also adds to its less heat generation that i mentioned above. And one last thing is that, for now, this technology is pretty still on the expensive side of things. Like right now, the Anker Power whatever literally costs a $54.99 to acquire, but i believe that’s just because it’s still an emerging technology, and as time goes on and more companies begins to pick interest in it and start implementing them, competition will rise, and whenever competition rises you know what that means right? Well we’ll get to see more cheaper, more efficient and more powerful Gallium Nitride chargers littering the market. But for now, let’s keep making use of our good old fast silicon chargers and enjoy the moment.
So that is it for fast battery charging guys. Let us know what your thoughts are on this pretty cool piece of tech in the comments section below, don’t forget to share this article and subscribe to our free newsletter if you haven’t done so already, and as always, I’ll see you all tomorrow.. #Peace Out
SOURCE – This article was inspired from a video i watched on MrWhoseTheBoss YouTube channel, and you can watch same video by following this link.
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