OpenAI’s Coming “Strawberry” to be More Autonomous


OpenAI’s upcoming product, “Strawberry,” promises to be more autonomous than other AI models in the world.

The project has yet to be unveiled to developers and others alike, but Reuters shared a few insights on what’s happening behind the scenes and what to expect.

Strawberry’s capabilities will surpass those of its counterparts in two areas related to human-like intelligence. The upcoming technology will result in more people losing their jobs compared to other AI models currently available.

What Would “Strawberry” Be Able to Do?

OpenAI’s “Strawberry” will be able to conduct its own research. It can also think ahead without human help or intervention. If this product works perfectly and enters the market, a significant change will occur in the speed at which new discoveries are made.

Who Knows About Strawberry’s Functionalities?

The inner workings of OpenAI’s “Strawberry” are not only hidden from the public; only a select number of people at OpenAI know this secret. Perhaps the company wants to profit from sales first before sharing the engine structure.


Apart from being able to solve complex problems without human help, Strawberry is expected to explore the internet independently and make judgments based on its own discoveries. Imagine what an AI model equipped with this ability can achieve!

An OpenAI representative said the following recently: “We want our AI models to see and understand the world more like we do. Continuous research into new AI capabilities is a common practice in the industry, with a shared belief that these systems will improve in reasoning over time.”

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How Strawberry replies during conversations will also be better than what people are used to. This is because the project is expected to be more advanced in showing humanlike intelligence than all others.


How Autonomous Would Strawberry Really Be?

When people hear that OpenAI’s upcoming “Strawberry” is going to be more autonomous, they wonder how much autonomy it would really have. Would it be designed to have certain ideologies or allowed to decide what is right and wrong? From which side of the globe would it collect its worldview, since this differs in many ways?


OpenAI might have to answer these questions and others shortly.

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