5 Easy-To-Use AI Tools For Making Applications


The art of developing applications is becoming much easier as days go by. Thanks to 5 easy-to-use AI tools for making applications which we shall talk about shortly.

You no longer have to spend days writing lines of simple codes, or wondering for hours what is wrong with your design if it fails to work correctly.

There are at least 5 user-friendly AI tools that both beginner and professional can use to write or edit applications with remarkable ease.

The fun fact about these AI models is that you need no knowledge of coding to use them. They perfectly understand natural language.

Do you lack words to express what you actually dream of making? Some of these AI tools can turn your drawings and screenshots into real interfaces!


Here are the 5 easily-operated AI tools you can start using to write applications immediately without any former knowledge of coding: tl draw, ChatGPT, Draw To App, Screenshot-To-Code, and FlutterFlow.

TL Draw AI

This tool is one of the wonders of the AI world.
You only have to sketch the interface you long to possess, press a blue “Make Real” button, and voila, your imagination would become reality.

You only need an Open AI developer API key to do this, apart from following the guidelines in TL Draw.


Here is the most famous of AI code generators and not the least interesting.

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This particular AI tool can give you any code you ask for and is excellent for debugging your works.
ChatGPT speaks over 100 human languages, but does not work with drawings as tl draw and Draw To App do.


Also, ChatGPT lacks provisions to show you interfaces of the Applications it codes.

Draw To App AI

Have you ever imagined making a bad drawing of an interface on your device’s screen and having AI supply you the code for making a rectified version of the interface you sketched? Then you will like this one.

This AI tool is exceptionally wieldy and priceless. You could make a rough drawing of some clock with this tool and watch it get drawn properly and animated. Also, the code for the animation you would be seeing is also made available for copying.

All you need is an OpenAI API key.

Screenshot-To-Code AI

Another dream come true, Screenshot-To-Code writes codes that would generate an interface identical to the one you supplied it its screenshot.


This enables you to understand how a certain behaviour you saw in a particular site was made a reality. Instead of some time-guzzling brainstorming that could still leave you still clueless, you only have to use this AI tool to increase your productivity.


FlutterFlow is an entirely different kind of tool. It offers application makers the option of building apps with widgets already provided.

One of the advantages of FlutterFlow is that the person using only has to play with the possibilities already supplied. Some would prefer this to other types of AI tools used to make applications.

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In summary, to know programming languages have not been diminished by the rampancy of Artificial Intelligence tools like these. Even these 5 easy-to-use AI tools will not save you if you don’t know enough about application development.

I would advise you to know at least a little of all the coding languages you will ever need. Furthermore, understand how to use the codes supplied by these AI tools in your adventure. This will give you an edge for which you would later be thankful.

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